Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Brooke - Senior Photos - Omaha Senior Photographer

BROOKE! During the emailing and arranging of brooke's photos, at no time did anyone mention that she's a total rockstar. Her session was beyond fun. It was amazing. It was one of those nights that I felt so alive and so in the moment. I was exactly where I was meant to be, with exactly the kind of client I dream of. I swear, she said to me, "Can I take my picture in front of that Batman sign?" and I felt like we were soul mates. I had a major superhero obsession in high school and I felt like we were channeling each other. :)

1 comment:

  1. So, this is Brooke(: thank you sooo much Christine! You were the rockstar(: and I LOVE what I see so far(: you're the besttt (: <3
