Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Don't Give Up Project

A couple of weeks ago I went to Colorado with nineteen other insanely talented photographers to be a part of the first Don't Give Up Project workshop. I could go on for days about what the project is all about, but instead I'll just try to summarize what it means to me and what I took out of it.

The Don't Give Up Project is a movement to bring love and marriage back to weddings. It is a movement to bring together photographers as friends and colleagues, not as competitors. I (we) want to dedicate ourselves to creating lifelong images that will follow people from their wedding days to their grandchildrens' wedding days.

It was a weekend of growing, sharing and learning about myself and how I want to run my business. It was a weekend of beautiful surroundings, beautiful people, and beautiful experiences. (And beautiful food.)

We didn't get enough sleep. We didn't dress warm enough. But the payoff? It was beyond worth it.

I have lots more to share! Check out the album on Facebook.


  1. I cant wait to hear more about it! The photo's are gorgeous!

  2. oops, that's suppose to be Jen, not Mike!

  3. beautiful work, Christine!! It was so nice to meet you... have a great week. :)

  4. So so so great Christine. What an honor to have you there. Your pics look so good. And the pics of the table? I'm hungry now. :) -jeremy
