At Christine McGuigan Photography we specialize in real, photojournalistic wedding photography. Based in Omaha, we travel all over the midwest and country.
Here's another awesome couple whose wedding is coming up in 2011. We went to the always beautiful Magnolia Hotel downtown for some really great shots. I've never shot there before so I was beyond excited for something new. I'm looking forward to spending their wedding with them after having so much fun shooting their engagement photos.
It appears that the server hosting my website is down. The blog is still active since it's hosted elsewhere but the rest is currently offline. Bummer. In the meantime, you can email me at cburright {at} or check out the Facebook page.
Jess and Erich were my last couple of 2010 to get married. It was a colorful and romantic end to the year! You can't really tell from the photos, but we had our first snowfall of the season the night before. It was about 20° outside and everything was covered in ice. Perfect conditions for a wedding out in the woods!
Jassy and Amy had their engagement photos taken back in September when it was sunny, cool but not cold, beautiful and colorful outside. Do you remember those days? Those days when everything wasn't white, overcast and chilled to the bone?
Am I cheering you up on this freezing January day?
Happy New Year everyone! I'm finally back into a bit of a routine with work and life. I grossly underestimated the amount of time a baby will take up! Who knew that Lennon would want constant, 24 hour a day care and attention?
I have a few sessions from this Fall that I never got around to posting. One was Nikki's senior photos. Everything went perfect during this session. Nikki was fun and beautiful, the weather was perfect, and the scenery was gorgeous. I was massively pregnant (like 37 weeks) but made it work. (Let me tell ya, working without a giant belly now is so much easier.)